Friday 16th September was my sisters 23rd birthday. And what a 23rd birthday she had!
We went to visit my mum in hospital and she was not in the best of moods and understandabley so! She was really pissed off with the doctors and nurses, sore, fed up and tired - so it wasnt the best hospital visit ever and I think it upset both of us quite a bit. At 4pm mum noticed her drain had fallen out of her back and I went to tell the nurses - they asked my sister and I to step outside and wait whilst they tried to fix it. When I stood there I felt blood pouring out of me so I ran down the stairs to the toilets. I had soaked through a whole super-maxi pad and the blood was coming through my underwear and trousers. I went back up the stairs and stood beside Laura - I couldn't leave as my bag and jacket where in the room with mum. I went to sit down as I could feel the blood starting again - I started to cry and had to tell Laura what was happening. She went to try and get my bag and jacket by the time she came back and I stood up the blood was everywhere - there was a huge pool of it in the chair I had sat on. I got it in my head I had to get home so I tied my jacket around my waist and headed for my car - but I didnt get that far. As I got outside the hospital I could feel the blood getting worse - I ran down the hospital and into the A&E.
By the time I got there the blood was pouring down my legs and pooling on the floor. There was queue at the reception and I stood there crying not knowing what to do. Eventually a nurse noticed me and came and took me into the triage room. I managed to tell her what was happening in between huge sobs and they got me into a cubicle.
I was seen by the doctor and referred to gynae. The gynae doctor wanted to admit me due to the blood loss and so I was sent by ambulance to the Royal hospital and admitted into ward 56A where I was put on a drip overnight and then scanned in the morning. The scan showed I had retained placental tissue and the doctor said it would need to be removed via surgery. On Saturday night I was taken for an ERPC (Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception). Going to theatre was scary - it was an emergency theatre they were using so there was no anaesthetic room - I was taken straight in and could see the whole team standing there, equipement and drugs and everything lying around waiting for me to go to sleep! It was rather unnerving.
So that is it over now. I am quite annoyed that the medical profession let it go on for this long. I was lucky that I happened to be in the hospital grounds at the time of the bleed, but what if I had been out in the middle of nowhere walking the dogs on my own!?
At least now I feel we can try and move forward. Maybe.
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